I wanted to share a small utility I wrote to have a plot similar to the Step Response one. I wrote this mainly because I needed to check the step response of both Y axes in my cnc router, a closed loop stepper system with a slaved 2-screw Y axis.
The program may be useful in other conditions too, as monitoring the error during normal machine operation, albeith I will be conducting more tests to check if USB gets choked by data transmission.
The C part of the utility is largely based
on one of the samples, but data starts to get collected only while virtual bit 2000 is true. This allows to start data gather with an MCode, as I did in KmotionCNC, see .ngc file attached. To avoid choking the USB I added some WaitForNextTimeSlice in the loop that writes the file, but still need to check whether it is needed (and the solution effective).
The frontend is written in Lua, using the Iup gui library. To be able tu run it the easiest way looks like to download and install LuaForWindows, or LuadDist. I wrote this in Lua mainly to have some grasp of the language.
Any comments or criticism very welcome !